Stop AAPI Hate Rally

VietBay is joining AAPI MV to call for a rally against hate in downtown Mountain View, Sunday 4/11/2021

  • 14:30 Gather at Centennial Plaza near Mountain View CalTrain Station

  • 15:00 March to Mountain View City Hall

  • 15:30 Rally in front of Mountain View City Hall

  • 16:00 Remembrance for Mr. Pak Ho and other Asian Americans murder during the pandemic

Map | Calendar | Facebook | Twitter


Q: I want to join. Do I need to sign up?

A: No, just show up and make noises!

Q: This sounds great. Can I share it with my non-VietBay friends and communities?

A: Of course, this is an open event, everybody is welcome to join.

Q: Do we need slogans, band rolls, etc.?

A: Yes, please prepare your own (ideas).

Q: Should I bring a flag?

A: Yes. We suggest bringing the American flag, to emphasize that we are Americans.

Q: Who’s AAPI Mountain View and why are we working with them?

A: AAPI Mountain View is a group of Mountain View Asian American Pacific Islander civil leaders, local youth, and regional allies brought together to #StopAAPIHate. Initially we had planned our own event, but they reached out to invite us to join efforts. We accept the invite because we think getting a lot of people out at the same time will make a greater impact.